But friends, I no longer live in Iowa. I'm in Kahlleefohnia, as our governor likes to call it. And I am not happy about the weekend's forecast. Let's take a look at sunrise tomorrow, shall we?

This is unacceptable, especially since I'm supposed to take Luke out for a toddler activity (indoors, but still, the travel will be yucky) at 8:45 a.m.
Dear Weather Gods,
If NYC can be 72 degrees in January, then the Big Tomato should be at least 60. That's all I'm sayin'.
Yours in icy windshields,
My mom lives in the Bay Area and she is also freezing (and she lived in the Midwest for 15 years!) Meanwhile, here is the Midwest, we are having YOUR typical winter weather- it is raining and in the 50s! Stay warm! btw- I love the AHnold pronunciation- you nailed it!
I'm in Texas and we've been at 70 degrees this week, continuing for the next couple of days. Monday drops to 30 abruptly. Just in time for school to start. Ick.
(More complaining) I also don't have a big coat for my daughter because we live in Texas and she'd hardly wear it. So I have to pile on four layers of clothes to keep her warm. Not conducive to potty training. And of course she hates being cooped up inside all day.
I hear you....
Whoa. That's the weather we should be having here in New England@
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