I've also been writing lots of web copy to get Fang's freelancing career off the ground, and I've completely relaunched the website of the tiny company we founded in 2002, when we were both moonlighting as freelancers.
Despite this productivity, I've decided to up the ante.

Yes, I'm going to attempt NaNoWriMo, both to reinforce my habit of writing every day and to get a really cheesy novel out of my head--it seeded itself a couple weeks ago and won't stop growing in ways that are completely ridiculous and improbable. Suffice it to say the story involves a political crisis brought on by Constitutional originalists winning the House, Senate, and White House; a wealthy inventor, a physicist, and an historian (all women, of course); time travel; and an aging Thomas Jefferson. Will what these intrepid time travelers learn once again change the course of human events?
Ha! Good thing I won't have too much grading to do in November. . .
Anyone else doing NaNoWriMo? I'd love some accountability partners. Leave a comment here or e-mail me: trillwing -at- gmail -dot- com.
I've got no business taking it on, but am doing so anyhow. Gonna try something different and write it online.
Unlike you, I barely have a plot organized.
I'm "cogdog" there
Maybe I'll do my cop story...
Oh my G-d, your story is going to be cheesy to be sure ... but awesome, too!
I decided this morning to do it, too. Will see whether I actually follow through... but it's been a dream to actually finish one of my story lines so... here's hoping!
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