Monday, February 06, 2006

Afire (translation: AAAACCCCKKKK!)

So. . . I looked it up online tonight. "It" being the deadline for turning in my dissertation. Ends up it's my 31st birthday.

Which is less than four months away.

Oh. My. God.

So that's lit a real fire under me. I cleared off my desk, located folders that have been AWOL since the move, and I'm ready to write. (So of course here I am, blogging away.) Truth is, I've been dawdling a bit of late and blaming it on family responsibilities or the mountains of papers we all grade. And blogging (by which I mean both reading and writing) has been a terrific way to procrastinate, although a relatively productive one, emotionally and psychologically speaking.

I've been photo blogging quite a bit this past week because I've been working instead on my posts for BlogHer. In case you haven't checked out "my" section, Research & Academia, please do stop by. Also let me know if you'd like to be added to the blogroll. I'm a bit behind on it, so you may already be on my list, but a nudge won't hurt a bit. :)

1 comment:

ArticulateDad said...

Let the fire burn, baby. (Just don't get too crisp.) You're almost there. Nothing like a deadline. Remember if you push up hill, it's all coasting down from there.

Just be sure to give your husband and kid a good kiss, and tell them you'll see them in a few weeks. :)