Friday, May 19, 2006

Mappy linkfest

Hoo boy, have I ever been saving up the map links.

Via Found History, which calls the post "amateur historical archaeology": scar tissue of San Francisco railroad tracks at Michal Migurski's tecznotes. *sigh* As if I needed yet another RSS feed to read at Bloglines…

More mapping fun:

Also from tecznotes: cabspotting.

FedEx plane arrivals during a thunderstorm near Memphis. Be sure your computer's sound is on.

Wal-Mart spreads like kudzu.

Urban tapestries using Google Earth

From Google Maps, where I grew up:

Looks nice, eh? My house was the one with the curvy front walk. I'll never, ever be able to afford to live there. Mom and Dad bought the house for $28,000 and houses in the area are now selling for well over $1 million…

How 'bout you? What does your childhood street look like on satellite surveillance? Maybe we have a new meme here?


Queen of West Procrastination said...

I'm about to post my neighbourhood picture.

Jeff Mather said...

Here is mine.