Monday, October 23, 2006

If I see one more job posting. . .

. . .that includes the word "transnational," I'm going to scream.

Seriously. Especially after the pretty dreadful sessions of the transnationally-themed American Studies Association conference this year.

I'm also beginning to regret not focusing on "comparative ethnic studies." Apparently that's hot, too. Or is it just another way of saying "transnationalism"?


Margi said...

Delurking to say: you and me both!!

Rhonda said...

Right there with you.

I didn't get to attend ASA this year, and I would be very interested in a post on those transnational sessions, if you have one in you.

Breena Ronan said...

I have seen so many of those job postings, I have serious considered how to put a transnational spin on my future research.