Lucas has gotten waaaay into spelling lately. Since the letters of the week at his preschool are "O" and "Q," on the way into school this morning, he was asking me how to spell "Q" words. We spelled "queen," and then Lucas spelled "queer."
"Mommy, what does 'queer' mean?"
I explained that queer has a couple meanings he should know and provided the definitions, emphasizing once again that some men love men, and some women love women, and that some kids have two mommies and some have two daddies.
Fast-forward 9 hours. I walk into his preschool classroom to find Lucas sitting at a table with two other little boys and a classroom aide. One of the little boys flashes a peace sign at me.
"Some dudes," he says excitedly, "love dudes, and that's OK."
My work is done here. I can move back to California now, yes?
Cool! [peace sign back to you]
You rock! Can you move to Michigan?
Yes, please, come to the upper midwest and save us from the scary people!
I love that the little boy flashed the peace sign while talking about the dude-lovin' dudes. Very cool!
Bring on the agenda!
Gay Agenda for the win! I love it. :D
mission accomplished!
I heart Lucas.
Love it. Way to go.
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